Tuesday, 7 July 2015

The Advantages and Application of the Time and Attendance Mechanism

Keeping track of the employee’s attendance can be a serious concern for any company. Employee’s attendance plays a vital role in the payroll system of any organization. There are numerous issues which need to be taken into consideration before the weekly or monthly salary is being paid.

Benefits of these Systems

With the introduction of the automated time and attendance systems, there has been a tremendous improvement in the payroll system of the companies. Here are some if its benefits

·         Reduced Errors: Since these are pre-programmed, automated systems, the chances of human errors are virtually zero. Everything single information is fed into the system and the system operates according the pre-fed information. It is all about swiping the cards and the arrival and exit time of the employees get recorded in the system, not to mention the dates.

·         Enhanced Security: The employees need to use the proximity card in order to mark their attendance. With the help of the biometric devices, their access to certain areas within the office can be restricted.

·         Efficient: It makes the entire system more efficient as it is fully automated. There is hardly any human intervention which is required except for feeding the data at the end of the month.

·         Saves Time: These devices are time savers. As it works by itself, the entire process of data collection and storing is being taken care of by the system.  This saves a lot of time and increases the efficiency of the entire setup

·        Employee Satisfaction: As the entire system is being handled by an automated system generates 100% accurate information at the end of the month. This ensures that the employees are being paid in accordance to the correct and accurate data in terms of their attendance.

Their Application

This automated attendance keeping systems has been implemented in many companies. It is particularly useful for those companies where the number of employees is vast and it can be a time consuming process to mark their attendance and at the same time generate accurate data at the end of the month.

One of the most important aspects in any company is the attendance of the employees. Have they been regular at the office? Did they come on time? Did any of them do any overtime? These are some of the important areas which need to be taken into consideration while working on the employee’s attendance. Here comes time and attendance mechanisms into the picture. These automated devices have made things much easier for organizations.

Modern Clocking Systems and Their Importance

Time is one of the most important terms used in our lives. As they say, “time is money”, this goes to suggest how important time is. The concept of maintaining and tracking time was invented thousands of years ago. Different forms of mechanism used such as sand clock, water clock, sun clock and several others. But with the advent of time there are significant changes and development in the modern clocking system. Here is an insight into the modern day clocking system.

Modern Clocking Systems

In the earlier days, the clocking systems used to be mechanical in nature. Moreover, there didn’t have certain features which could make them a precise time system. Gradually, improvements were made and today we have the most sophisticated and advanced clocking mechanisms. There are hundreds of different types of these devices available which are used for various reasons.

Some Common Types

Here are some of the most common types of devices which are found

·            Swipe Systems:   These are the advanced form of the basic machines. This device allows the arrival and departure time of any individual while the swipe their cards on both the occasions. The cards which the swipe is known as the proximity card. It is an automated system and has made the payroll system lots easier than it used to be.

·         Biometric Clocking Devices: This is one of the most effective and efficient mechanism which is used to track the attendance of the employees. This mechanism prevents the employees to manipulate and tamper with their attendance as they are not being able clock in each other. Be it a hand punch clocking system, a fingerprint clock or a hand scanning device, they simply cannot be tampered with. What makes these devices so special is the fact that they do not even need to carry a proximity card along with them to work with.

·         Guard Tour Mechanism: Security is the most vital aspect of any organization. It is very important to make sure whether the security personnel assigned to the task are on the patrolling duty as per his scheduled time. Here comes the importance of the Guard Tour Mechanism. With the help of this device the movements and activities of the security guard can be monitored with respect to time. 

With time, as science made tremendous progress, new inventions were made in this field. Man no longer had to depend on the position of the sun or the shadows of the objects around them in order to determine the correct time. And the modern technology as gifted men with clocking machines which they can carry in their pockets anywhere they go. But, to enjoy the maximum benefits it is advisable to a new user to buy these devices from reliable stores.